What is a virtual nurse?
Virtual nurses are Registered Nurses, employed by Mary Washington Healthcare, who work from a command center located at Stafford Hospital. The nurses work with the bedside care team to provide patient care in a virtual environment.
"I encountered virtual nursing upon my discharge from having knee replacement surgery. It was informative. Rubi the virtual RN was very patient and was able to answer all my questions. She went over every aspect of detail pursuant to my recommended medications, appointments and provided information of who to call in an emergency. What I like about it is that my learning style is through hearing things when I’m educated instead of just reading it. The hospital PA also joined into the call virtually which was great. "Does a virtual nurse replace my bedside nurse?
A virtual nurse will not replace your bedside care team. The virtual nurse will work with your bedside nurse, physicians, and other care team members to provide excellent care to you during your stay. Your bedside care team will provide all your physical care during your stay.
Why have Mary Washington and Stafford Hospitals implemented a virtual nursing program?
Virtual nursing is an innovative care model that allows us flexibility while simultaneously enhancing quality and experience for patients while providing additional support for bedside caregivers. Mary Washington Healthcare is dedicated to using technology to ensure that our healthcare professionals can offer the latest and most advanced care.
What will my virtual nurse do during my stay?
Your virtual nurse will assist your bedside care team with various care tasks. They may help with your admission, medication review, answer questions, provide education, and assist with your discharge process.
How does Mary Washington Healthcare protect my privacy?
Virtual nurses will announce their ‘presence’ before joining a room. They will not log into your room or turn on your camera or microphone without your knowledge. No part of the interaction between virtual nurse and patient is ever recorded or electronically saved in any way.
"I was an inpatient at Stafford Hospital, and it was the intake/admission call that I first encountered the virtual nurse Katelyn. She was very calming and confident that she knew her job and that she could help me. I also like that during my discharge with the nurse and doctor together the antibiotic stated by the physician was incorrect and the virtual nurse Katelyn professionally stated the correct one. This showed why this new role of virtual nursing is important. I knew the med was incorrect but there will be patients that do not know, and the virtual nurse was able to jump in!"How will I communicate with the virtual nurse?
Your virtual nurse will communicate with you through the monitor on your wall. They will be able to see and hear you via a camera, and you will be able to see and hear them on the screen.
Can the virtual nurse speak with my family members if they are not present?
The virtual nurse has the ability to video conference call your family members, at your request, to discuss your care plan and answer questions.
Does using a virtual nurse during my stay cost me more?
No, virtual nurses are a part of your hospital care team during your admission, just like bedside nurses, doctors, phlebotomists, lab techs, etc. We will bill your insurance for our services just like any other hospital admission.