Recognize a loved one by sponsoring a light on the tree this holiday season. Proceeds from the Annual Tree of Lights benefit programs and services within Mary Washington Healthcare’s Regional Cancer Center. These services include complementary therapies such as art, music, and massage to help improve quality of life for patients; counseling and navigator services to help patients better understand their disease and treatment options; and personal care services to help improve self-image and recovery time.
The MWH Auxiliary has raised more than two million dollars over the past 14 years through the generosity of our community. Thank you for your financial support of this worthwhile cause.
We are pleased to announce an indoor gathering for the annual tree lighting on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Mary Washington Hospital Rear Atrium. Refreshments will be served. All donors are invited to participate in this year’s celebration.
If you would like to sponsor a light for the tree to recognize a loved one, please complete the donation form and return it to the Mary Washington Hospital Auxiliary, along with a minimum contribution of $20.00 per light.
The names of those you wish to recognize will be recorded in the Annual Tree of Lights memory and honor books and displayed at the entrance to MWH Auxiliary’s Meditation Garden. To ensure the name(s) you are recognizing are recorded in the Tree of Lights memory and honor books prior to the tree lighting, please have your contribution returned to us no later than Friday, November 29, 2024. Contributions received after that date will be updated in the book on a weekly basis.
Please mail form and payment via check to:
MWH Auxiliary
Mary Washington Hospital
1001 Sam Perry Blvd.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
MWHC Associates and on-site volunteers may drop off the completed form and make payment in the Mary Washington Hospital Gift Shop. The MWH Auxiliary Tax ID# is 75-2985923. For more information, please contact the MWH Volunteer Services office at 540.741.1440.