Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy reduces the size of the stomach by 70-80%, limiting food intake and eliminating hunger and appetite. This procedure does not change how nutrients are absorbed and it has minimal risk for nutritional side effects.
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass creates a small stomach, limiting food intake. The food bypasses the first portion of the small intestine which reduces hunger, cravings and the amount of food that can be digested and absorbed.
This procedure is a more complex form of weight loss surgery, combining restriction of food intake by reducing the size of the stomach with bypassing a significant part of the small intestine to limit digestion and absorption. This procedure is recommended for patients with higher weight and for those who are suffering from severe metabolic problems such as diabetes and high lipids.
A silicone band is placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a narrow passage to the lower portion, causing slow movement of food through the digestive system. Since the food passes through the system slowly, it helps to eat less and increases the time food gets digested. The tightness of the band can be adjusted through a port that is placed under the skin of the abdominal wall by adding or removing fluid from the system. Weight loss with the adjustable gastric banding is not as successful as other bariatric surgical procedures and patients frequently experience complications and often require additional surgery. Due to these unfavorable results, our center does not offer adjustable gastric banding as a weight loss option any longer.
Revisional surgery is for someone who had weight loss surgery in the past and did not succeed with weight loss or has experienced complications. These are more complex procedures then first time weight loss operations and require more experience and expertise. Endoscopic revision procedures are done with special instruments through the mouth without surgery.
This is a new weight loss option where a fluid or air-filled balloon is placed in the stomach through the mouth. This creates a feeling of constant fullness, limits hunger, and helps to reduce portion sizes.