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Internal Medicine Residency Clinic

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a department of Mary Washington Hospital

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Welcome to the Internal Medicine Residency Clinic, part of Mary Washington Healthcare’s (MWHC) Graduate Medical Education (GME) program. In this office, our physicians will continue seeing patients 18 and older while also supervising internal medicine residents, who are licensed physicians receiving specialty training.

This clinic offers a unique care experience. As a patient, you will meet with your doctor and a resident and receive care from a team of providers focused on your wellness. Multiple doctors will participate in and review your treatment plan to ensure you receive the highest level of care.

After you have an appointment at the Internal Residency Clinic, you will notice some changes to your bill. This clinic is a department of Mary Washington Hospital, which means you will see a facility fee in addition to the provider fee you’ve seen on previous bills. The facility fee will vary based on your plan with your healthcare insurer. In most cases, your insurer will fully or partially cover the facility fee. To learn more, please visit or contact your doctor’s office at 540.741.9200.

MWHC’s GME Program gives medical interns and residents the opportunity to train in a specialty at Mary Washington Healthcare facilities following their graduation from an accredited medical school. The MWHC GME program adds significant value to the greater Fredericksburg community by enhancing access to and delivery of quality care. It also provides a pipeline of future physicians as the region continues to grow and healthcare needs become more complex.

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