Event Details
Smoking Cessation Program

About This Event
Mary Washington Healthcare's Smoking Cessation Program is designed for group support, discussion, and information. It includes weekly online classes, nicotine replacement information, educational quitting tips, and a supportive community.
With a dedicated respiratory therapist educator and a smoking cessation team, participants can receive personalized support, access resources and achieve goals.
The program focuses on lifestyle integration, and ongoing follow-up to ensure successful and lasting quit journeys. MWHC is here to empower you to achieve a healthier, smoke-free life.
Day: Every Thursday
Time: 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
Where: Online Teams Call
Download: The Last Puff: Your Roadmap to Quitting Smoking Successfully
- Price: Free
- Registration Instructions: Contact Jeanette Ellis, RRT, AE-C, Respiratory Educator and Lead Smoking Cessation Facilitator, at Jeanette.ellis@mwhc.com for access to the online call.